Lights of love tree 2013
Roll your mouse over the lights to read the messages.

Hello my Darling,
When I found out that you were alive inside me, I couldn’t believe my eyes. Your Daddy was so happy when I told him that you were on your way. We only knew about you 2 weeks before we learned that we lost you. I am having such a hard time letting you go, although I know that where you are, you aren’t in pain. You have a few people with you to keep you company until your Daddy and I come to you. Your Daddy’s grandpaw is there, along with my grandparents and your granddaddy’s brother, your uncle. I will forever miss you, my Darling. You are near the arms of Jesus, whose arms are much safer than mine could ever have been. Daddy and I love you and we will never forget the one who stole our hearts before we even met.
Love forever,
Mommy here on earth
To our little angel – always in our hearts; 20.12.12
Even though we never met we will never forget you
Lots of love
Mummy & Daddy
You were my Christmas baby, much longed for and loved from the start. My little Rainbow, I dream of you every night, never a day goes by when I don’t remember both the joy and the sadness. I cried with happiness at your first scan and by the second I was crying in devastation. We love you and will never ever forget you. I search the skies in hope for a glimpse for the rainbow I believe to be your smile.
Love Mummy, Daddy and Beinn xxx
My little stars Pip, Dorothy, Anna and Ben,
Love, with little hands,
comes and touches you
With a thousand memories,
And asks you Beautiful,
unanswerable questions.
From a poem by Carl Sandberg.
Thinking of you all, with so much love and tenderness. Hundreds and thousands. Forever, Mummy.
I loved you from the moment I found out about you.
I miss you every day and my heart aches to hold you in my arms.
You would have been born around Christmas time and we were all looking forward to having you in our family.
May our hopes and dreams find you and wrap you tightly in our love forever.
Mummy & Daddy XxxxxX
All my love now & forever,
Your Mummy xxxx
We hope you’re being good up there and having lots of fun with the other angels. We would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and tell you we love you always. Thank you for guiding your baby sister to us and keeping her safe. We miss you every minute of every day. Stay happy babe.
Love mummy, daddy, baby Darcie Lou & Buster xxxx
To our little tiny Humphrey,
In your short time in our consciousness we developed so many hopes and dreams for you! Emotional! We waited so long for you to come into our lives and then you were taken away from us too quickly! We will always love you and you will forever have a special place in our hearts!
Sweet dreams, Mummy, Daddy and your big sister Annabel xOx
your mommy xxx
You will never know how much we wanted you & loved you. I’m so sorry we never got to hold you in our arms & to do all the things that we had planned.
We don’t know why you left us & at only 9 weeks into our journey with you, we are very sorry we never saw you on a scan.
You have some fantastic people up in heaven with you & I’m sure you have already seen your great grandad Tom & your great Aunt & Uncle Lyn & Steve.
I miss speaking to you every day & Daddy misses hugging & kissing you through my belly.
We will always love you & will never forget you.
Rest in Peace little one & I will still wish you goodnight by looking at your star.
Mummy & Daddy
For nine weeks I felt a little ray of light in my life that made me smile I’m sorry we never got to meet each other You will be the third brightest star in the sky with the other two babies Duncan will make sure you will have friends to play with Your Mummy and Daddy xxx
To our darling baby ‘Bams’
You were taken from us at 9weeks, but not a day goes by where we don’t think of you.
The tears we’ve shed could fill a river.
We love you with all our hearts and wish things could be different, just to see your little face, hold your little hands and shower you in kisses.
Thinking of you always our angel, our number one, our baby bams.
Love you xxxx
To our baby angel sadly taken from us on 13/11/2013
We will always love you and never forget you
Mummy & Daddy xxx
We know you called your cousin to be with you, stay close and never part.
Play together and be happy, twinkle bright little stars.Two very special angels … Just too beautiful for this earth
Baby T – passed March 2012
Baby N -October-November 2013
You will never be forgotten, you live on in our hearts.
It’s been 6 years since we lost you but you’re with us more now than ever before. We hope you’re proud of daddy running the marathon for you and mummy new tattoo.
Although we never got to meet you we will always miss you and love you…
You were our 1st. Hope great nanny & grandads are taking care of you.
Forever in our hearts
Mummy & Daddy
X x x
The day we found out we were having you was the best day of our lives. The day you were lost the worst.
There’s not a day goes by that we don’t think about you.
This Christmas should be all about you but you were just too beautiful for earth.
You will be in our hearts forever.
We love you lots now and always. Mummy & Daddy xxx
mummy & daddyxx
Only god knows why we lost you nine weeks into pregnancy and it broke our hearts and changed our lives forever. Thinking of you every day, we will never forget you. Lots of love mummy, daddy, Abigail and Kasey xx
Merry Christmas baby jellybean.
Have fun playing on the clouds and dancing with the stars.
Love you forever
Mummy and Daddy, and big brother jmm x x x
When I found out I was carrying you, you instantly changed my life for the better, me and daddy loved you so much straight away…when they told us your heart had stopped beating it tore me to pieces. It has been a year and a half and you even have a beautiful little baby sister now but never a day goes by when we don’t think about you and miss you and sometimes shed a tear…if love could have saved you, you would have lived forever <3 thank you for watching over us and your baby sister, dear angel, you are the brightest star in the sky now xxx
9 years ago this Christmas
I carry you in my heart every day
Never forgotten, my tiny angelMummy
Lots of love
Mummy, daddy and your big brother Jack xxxxxx