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Natasza’s sprint triathlon

After her 6th miscarriage, Natasza took part in the Hever Castle triathlon.

It was all worth it to raise some money for a much needed charity who have given me immeasurable advice and support over the years.

So I did it, I just finished  my first sprint triathlon and raised £548 for the Miscarriage Association, almost 4 times my target!  I know, I can’t quite believe it either but I have the medal so it must be true!

After my 6th miscarriage earlier this year I felt like needed to try and take some control of my body and get fitter. I joined a gym but quickly felt like I needed to take on a challenge to have something to work towards.

I chose the Hever Castle triathlon as I knew I would have to push myself and train really hard to complete it, and where better to race than in the beautiful grounds of the castle.

I not only had to train to improve my swimming, cycling and running I also had to get my head around wetsuits, racing belts and transitions, but it was all worth it to raise some money for a much needed charity who have given me immeasurable advice and support over the years.

Four months later and today’s the day and I did it! The course was much hillier than I had trained for but with my family cheerleading from the side and the thought of all the money I was raising for an amazing charity I kept on going!

I’m now the very proud owner of a shiny medal and my friends and family have helped to raise £447.86 and money is still coming in!

Thank you to all my friends and family who are amazing cheerleaders and fundraisers and thank you to the Miscarriage Association for all your support over the last few years.