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Baby Loss Awareness Week events 2019

There was a range of events to mark Baby Loss Awareness Week (9 – 15 October 2019), including exhibitions, displays, memory walks and remembrance services.

We have listed some of the ones we knew about below. You may also find others on the Baby Loss Awareness Week website.


Belfast City Councillor Michelle Kelly hosted a reception at Belfast City Hall on Wednesday 9 October to mark the start of Baby Loss Awareness Week.  The aim was to highlight the impact and incidence of pregnancy and baby loss in Northern Ireland and local charities and organisations were invited to attend.

The Belfast miscarriage support group organised a Walk of Remembrance on Saturday 12 October, starting at Belfast City Hall gates at 5.30 p.m..  The walk concluded with the reading of a poem and a minute’s silence.


The Scottish government hosted set of charity stands in the atrium of Victoria Quay in Edinburgh on Tuesday 15 October – International Babyloss Day.  Their aim was to raise awareness amongst Scottish Government staff of pregnancy and baby loss and the support available from a range of charities.

Great Missenden

There was a Wave of Light Service at the parish church in Great Missenden, south Buckinghamshire, at 6pm on Sunday 13 October, with music and readings and candle lighting,


There was be a Wave of Light service at 7 p.m. on 15 October at St. Michael’s Church, Kettering. A reflective service to remember babies who have died in pregnancy, at birth, or shortly after. The service was in the Christian tradition and open to people of all faiths and none.


Newark and Sherwood District Council set up a willow memory tree from 9 to 15 October at the Buttermarket in Newark. They provided a selection of blue and pink ribbons and message tags in case local people wish to write a message to babies lost in pregnancy, at birth or in infancy. Newark Castle was also lit up in pink and blue.

Mary Magdalene Church opened its doors for the Wave of Light candle-lighting at 7pm on Tuesday 15 October.


The Nottingham miscarriage support group will had their annual Baby Loss memory walk on Saturday 12 October at Wollaton Hall and Deer Park, Nottingham, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m..


The Vishaal Foundation held a Wave of Light Service at the lake in Herschel Park on Tuesday 15 October at 7 p.m.. Participants lit candles and released floating lanterns on the lake as the clock chimed 7 p.m..


Staff at Pinderfields General Hospital hosted displays throughout Baby Loss Awareness Week.  The displays on 10 and 11 October will focused on miscarriage, ectopic and molar pregnancy and the work of the Miscarriage Association.

The Wakefield Town Hall was lit up in pink & blue during Baby Loss Awareness Week.

Christ Church, South Ossett held a Wave of Light event on Tuesday 15 October. The Church was open from 6.30-8pm as a quiet and reflective space with the opportunity to light a candle in memory of any baby lost before, during or shortly after birth.


Please keep an eye on our Facebook page for news and updates about Baby Loss Awareness Week events in the future.