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Fundraisers’ stories

Be inspired by our fundraisers’ stories – and let us know if you’d like to add yours!

Man in cap with Miscarriage Association Miles That Matter t-shirt on, with blue sky behind him.

Mark walks Cheshire’s 35 mile Sandstone Trail in a day for the M.A.

Mark talks about why he took on a challenge for Miles That Matter.

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Naomi runs her very first 10k, to raise money for the M.A.

Naomi shares her pregnancy loss story and why she decided to fundraise for the M.A..

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Francesca tries something new

Francesca talks about how she took up running for the first time following her losses, to help her feel empowered as well as to raise money for the M.A..

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Natasha completes 250,000 steps in a month

Natasha talks about why she took part in Step Up for the M.A..

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Samantha streams and Steps Up to support the M.A.

Samantha shares her story of pregnancy loss and why she wanted to help raise funds and awareness.

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Hannah Steps Up for January

Hannah shares her story of why she joined the Step Up for the M.A. challenge.

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Lotty takes on 250,000 step challenge

Lotty talks about why she took part in our Step Up fundraiser.

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Janine’s Step Up challenge with family and friends

Janine took on our 250,000 step January challenge with the support of those closest to her.

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Katie walked 300,000 steps in September to support the Miscarriage Association

I am not a jogger or a runner, but walking is something I could do, and every step was for the women who walked the miscarriage path before me, the ones who are walking it now, and those who will sadly come after us.

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Ian ran the 2021 London Marathon for the M.A with his own ballot place

Ian applied for a ballot entry for the 2020 London Marathon and was delighted to learn that he had obtained his own place. After the cancellation of the 2020 race, he was finally able to run in this iconic event in October 2021, and chose to support the Miscarriage Association along the way.

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Amy’s team of M.A Marchers walked 21 kilometres to help the M.A.

Amy organised a team of family and friends to take on a 21 mile sponsored walk for the M.A.

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Ben ran the 2021 London Marathon for the M.A.

Ben successfully applied for one of our charity places to join team M.A to run the London Marathon in 2020, but, due to its cancellation, finally got to run in 2021.

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Harry’s iron distance triathlon

Harry explains how and why he took on an iron distance triathlon after he and his wife lost their baby twins.

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Caitie’s acts of kindness for Miles That Matter 21

Caitie carried out weekly challenges including 21 random acts of kindness for Miles That Matter 21, in memory of her baby.

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Lisa joins in with a Miles That Matter 21 challenge

Lisa shares why she and her husband walked 21 miles for the Miscarriage Association.

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Kate Steps Up for the M.A.

Kate explains why it meant so much to her to take on a challenge for the M.A..

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Rosie Steps Up for the M.A

Rosie was overwhelmed by the support she received during her challenge.

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Cerian Steps Up for the M.A in January

Cerian completed 250,000 steps in January, with the help of her little boy!

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Leanne Steps Up for the M.A

Leanne took part in our Step Up campaign in January in memory of her three lost pregnancies.

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Laura Steps Up for the M.A.

Laura completed 250,000 steps for the January Step Up challenge, having never done anything like this before.

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Karen leapt from a plane to raise funds for the M.A

Karen took part in a tandem skydive organised by our charity partners Skyline to raise funds for the Miscarriage Association in May 2021, and it was an experience she’ll never forget!

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Andi’s 2.6 Challenge

Andi took on the 2.6 challenge back in April, and was amazed by her supporters generosity – here is her story.

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Kerry’s 100 Miles That Matter in as many days

Kerry is working her way through a ‘100 miles in 100 days’ challenge for the Miscarriage Association’s Miles That Matter fundraiser. Here, she explains why she decided to take part.

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Jessica’s hiking, cycling and running her Miles That Matter

Jessica shares her reasons for supporting Miles That Matter by hiking, cycling and running, to help fund the Miscarriage Association helpline.

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Hannah runs Miles That Matter

Hannah talks about why she signed up to the Miscarriage Association’s Miles That Matter fundraising challenge during the coronavirus pandemic.

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So how long is the London Marathon?

In the strict sense of the word, a marathon measures 26.2 miles. But for Kerrie, it measures so much more.

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Laura wanted to end the silence surrounding miscarriage

Running for the Miscarriage Association seemed an obvious choice for me to fundraise for as miscarriage is such a secret, and it shouldn’t be.

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Jo and Ben run the Royal Parks Half Marathon together

Jo and Ben’s experience of recurrent loss led them to enter the Royal Parks half marathon in support of the Miscarriage Association. Jo shares their story here.

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Tracey wanted to increase awareness about miscarriage with her second event

I have unfortunately suffered two miscarriages, the first in August 2017 and the second in April 2019. After my first miscarriage I trawled for answers and came across the Miscarriage Association website.

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Dan cycled coast to coast with his friends

After Dan and his wife Rebekah suffered a miscarriage, Dan decided to get his friends on board to do something special to support our charity.

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Nicky ran the London Marathon in memory of her lost baby

Having experienced a missed miscarriage, Nicky wanted to help the Miscarriage Association support others affected by miscarriage.

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Running became Kate’s salvation

After experiencing multiple miscarriages, running became Kate’s salvation.

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Jen ran the 2019 London Marathon

Jen was a member of our 2019 London Marathon team. Husband Peter tells the story from his perspective.

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Running the 2019 London Marathon for the Miscarriage Association

Dan shares his reasons for running the 2019 London Marathon.

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Amy and Dean

Amy and Dean took part in the Great North Run in September 2018.

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‘Puddle Hoppers’ swim the Channel

After 18 months of training, Pete, Chris, Becky and Kelly swam the English Channel in relay.

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Andy sets out for a skydive

Andy wanted to support the work of the Miscarriage Association and do something in memory of the baby he lost.

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Roseanne’s remembrance fundraiser

Roseanne held a fundraiser to help remember her babies and give support to others.

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Nick’s run to raise awareness

After Nick and his wife experienced 4 miscarriages, he decided to help raise awareness by taking part in his first ever run.

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Kim’s half marathon

Kim wanted to do something positive after a missed miscarriage.

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2018 London Marathon Team

Photos and comments from the Miscarriage Association’s 2018 London Marathon team.

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Kate’s story – London Marathon 2018

Kate talks about her experience of miscarriage and why it made her want to break down barriers and raise awareness.

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Nathan’s story – London Marathon 2018

Nathan shares his experience of 2 miscarriages and what it was like running a marathon for the M.A..

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Kim’s squat-athon

Kim chose a fundraising challenge to push herself and give something back.

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Siân’s winter sea swim

Siân took part in a Boxing Day sea swim to raise funds and awareness, and as a part of her healing following three miscarriages.

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Jamie’s 100 miles

After Jamie and his wife experienced a miscarriage in 2017, he ran 100 miles in a month to raise money for the Miscarriage Association.

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Stacey’s charity insanity class

Stacey talks about how organising a charity event helped give her something to focus on after her miscarriage.

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Pink and blue fundraising

Tracey raised funds by asking friends and colleagues to wear pink and blue during Babyloss Awareness Week.

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Nicola took part in the Kilt Walk

After the loss of her IVF twins, Nicola chose to fundraise to help others going through something similar.

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Aislinn and Ericka take on Edinburgh

Members of our Edinburgh support group, Aislinn and Ericka ran the Edinburgh 10k to give something back.

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Katherine’s Zumbathon

After her fourth miscarriage, Katherine channelled her energy into organising a Zumbathon, with Shahina’s help.

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Natasza’s sprint triathlon

After her 6th miscarriage, Natasza took part in the Hever Castle triathlon.

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Aisling’s story

Aisling and family abseiled down Belfast’s Europa Hotel in March 2017.

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2016 London Marathon team

Comments and photos from the Miscarriage Association’s 2016 London Marathon team.

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Craig Watt

2014 London Marathon team

Photos and comments from the 2014 Miscarriage Association London Marathon team.

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Niki Whitaker

Niki’s story

Niki Whitaker ran the London Marathon for the Miscarriage Association in 2013.

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Rachel Gribben

Rachel’s story

Rachel ran the London Marathon for the Miscarriage Association in 2013.

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Pete’s story

Pete ran the London Marathon for the Miscarriage Association in 2013.

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2013 London Marathon team

London Marathon stories and photos from our 2013 Marathon team members, Rosie, Nick, Terry and Simon.

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Nicola’s story

Nicola Roper ran the London Marathon for the Miscarriage Association in April 2016.

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