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e-learning resource introduction

e-learning resource: Caring for women experiencing pregnancy loss


About this resource

  • The resource has been informed by our many conversations with women about what helps them at this difficult time and also with health professionals about what helps them to provide the support women need.
  • While we largely refer to the needs of women in this resource, the topics discussed and guidance offered for health professionals will also be relevant in communicating with partners or others who may accompany the woman during her care.


  • This resource provides support and guidance for health professionals who work with women who are or may be experiencing or have experienced pregnancy loss.
  • This includes staff working in gynaecology, early pregnancy, maternity, accident and emergency, ambulance services, general practice, and community health services as well as support staff.
  • It will also be helpful for health professionals working with women who may be anxious about experiencing pregnancy loss, for example, if they have already experienced a previous miscarriage.
  • The principles and much of the content will apply to health professionals caring for women with ectopic or molar pregnancy. We mention these specifically at times, but sometimes we use the word ‘miscarriage’ to encompass all three kinds of pregnancy loss.
  • Limited training budgets, staff time and service cover mean that it is increasingly difficult for staff to access training, whether on or off site. Our online learning resource aims to fill some of those gaps.
  • Many users will work through the units in order. However, we also recognise that some users will want to dip in and out depending on their particular needs and the time available to them.

Thank you for your kindness and sensitivity, listening to my concerns, never making me feel silly and explaining all options with compassion.

The structure of the resource

The resource is made up of five units which explore different aspects of caring for women experiencing pregnancy loss. The five units are:

  • The film sequences used in this resource contain conversations that for some, particularly those with personal experience of pregnancy loss, may evoke upsetting thoughts and emotions. If this could apply to you, please consider your own needs, and see unit 5 for some ideas about finding support for yourself.
  • Links to the films referenced in each unit are available at the end of the unit.
  • Links to all the films are available in Resources and references.

Overall aims of the resource

The resource aims to support health professionals to:

  • Care thoughtfully for women experiencing pregnancy loss and be able to listen to and understand their concerns
  • Communicate with the woman clearly and thoughtfully
  • Communicate bad news (or likely bad news) sensitively and clearly
  • Support the woman, as she may have to make difficult decisions within a short period of time
  • Feel confident in talking to women about difficult decisions and procedures, including the benefits and risks of treatment
  • Know how and where to find support as health professionals dealing with difficult situations
  • Be aware of the Miscarriage Association and the patient resources we can provide.
Miscarriage Association support leaflets


Start Unit 1: Understanding women’s experience of pregnancy loss, their feelings and how you can help

Go to Unit 1