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Overcoming a loss

Vanshika, aged 8 and a half, wrote this poem to express her feelings about losing a sibling, after her mum experienced a molar pregnancy.

With a loss you feel pensive sadness,
With deep sorrow, and sometimes madness.
This is my experience…

In your life there is something you deeply long for,
And you wish for over and over.
For you think it would be precious to you,
And if you don’t, you think sorrow will reach you.

I also did, I longed for someone that would be mine,
I prayed and prayed as went the time.
And now here was the exciting news,
It was something that would amuse.

A tiny new soul will be coming in my life,
With little fingers touching my face making me alive.
Something I so wished for was now happening,
Not in my hands, but developing as a sibling.

How I knew is now a mystery,
But it was true definitely.
One night it all happened whilst playing a game,
I was puzzled and perplexed, it did not feel the same.
No evidence to be seen,
Hard to believe, not at all felt serene.

It was irresistible and shared news with my best friends,
I was in high spirits.
Day and night I kept thinking about those tiny hands,
And the day I will be able fulfil their demands.

It was all so beautiful and rosy,
Never thought that those feelings can turn into melancholy.
My loss was on the horizon,
It came silently with no noise coming on.

I was losing it too soon, it made me timid,
It was overbearing, felt like end of the world.
It was a catastrophe and lost my sense,
In fact, worse and it felt like an apocalypse.

It could not survive, and it diminished,
It could have harmed had it stayed.
It can happen to anyone, we discussed as a family,
It brought me tranquillity, because we stuck together calmly.
Most importantly, to be grateful with what you have,
And to not regret for what you don’t have.

The loss will never disappear,
But what you still have is dear.
It has happened to many others, who may have had a loss,
As it is not easy to overcome a loss.

I am grateful that I survived and to have a loving family,
Hoping this can inspire others to be grateful and to love your family.

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