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Lisa joins in with a Miles That Matter 21 challenge

Lisa shares why she and her husband walked 21 miles for the Miscarriage Association.

I saw the Miles That Matter 21 campaign and I knew I'd like to give back... Together, hand in hand, we completed it.

On the 8th of February 2018, just a day before my birthday, I had a miscarriage. The pain I felt, both physically and emotionally, was the worst I’d ever been through. I’ve lost family members, but honestly nothing compares to losing your baby, it’s a different type of feeling altogether.

The support at the hospital I went to was awful. They did an examination and confirmed that I had indeed had a miscarriage. Then they sent me home. They didn’t once ask how I was feeling, how the pain was, nothing at all. Not even so much as a leaflet to tell me what I could expect in the days to come.

Alone and heartbroken, laying in bed still in pain, I came across the Miscarriage Association website. It helped me through the hardest of times. To read other people’s stories, to know I’m not alone, to help recognise it wasn’t my fault, to feel something again… It helped me to recognise that what I was going through emotionally and physically was normal.

I saw the Miles That Matter 21 campaign and I knew I’d like to give back. Together with my husband we decided we would walk 21 miles, and raise as much money as we could. Together we raised £556, which including gift aid came to £618.

It was incredibly hard, it hurt and we certainly hadn’t done any training for it. We have 3 children and my husband is working too, so we had next to no time to prepare. But together, hand in hand, we completed it.

We are so proud of all the money we managed to raise, and we are so grateful for the Miscarriage Association website and all the amazing things they do.