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Ben ran the 2021 London Marathon for the M.A.

Ben successfully applied for one of our charity places to join team M.A to run the London Marathon in 2020, but, due to its cancellation, finally got to run in 2021.

After my partner experienced a miscarriage in 2018, I found that running was a great help to me. It gave me time alone with my thoughts to help process what was going on.

After my partner experienced a miscarriage in 2018, I found that running was a great help to me. It gave me time alone with my thoughts to help process what was going on. We looked into the help the miscarriage association provided and it’s invaluable. I found the online help provided really helpful as I struggled talking face to face about how I was feeling.

When I found that you could run the London Marathon for this amazing charity, it was a no brainer for me. This gave me a target to aim for and provided me with an option to raise funds for a cause I truly cared about. The help and support with the marathon from the M.A was amazing. They always helped no matter the question. I also joined the private MA Marathon Facebook group, which was full of likeminded individuals, also running the marathon. This was great for motivation, tips and a shoulder to lean on.

If you are thinking of running the London Marathon, I would highly recommend doing it for The Miscarriage Association!