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Amy’s team of M.A Marchers walked 21 kilometres to help the M.A.

Amy organised a team of family and friends to take on a 21 km sponsored walk for the M.A.

I was so proud of the team for completing the 21 km walk as it was the furthest most of us had walked in one stint before. The walk was great and we ended up in the local newspaper too!

A few years ago we sadly lost our 1st baby then suffered another miscarriage earlier this year. More recently we have also gone through the tragic experience of an ectopic pregnancy. Since going through these life changing experiences for my partner and I, I have been raising money for The Miscarriage Association through various means. I decided that I was going to join the Miles that Matter campaign with my husbands support in July, but sadly just before I was due to do my walk I had an ectopic pregnancy too so we had to reschedule it to when I was well enough but I was more determined to do it for that reason even more so.

My amazing friends and family decided that they were going to get involved to help support us, and so we organised a sponsored walk from our home to Doncaster Royal Infirmary, a round trip of 21 kms.  All of the team, which we called Amy’s M.A Marchers, have been impacted either directly or indirectly with pregnancy loss whether that be through miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.

This last year the Miscarriage Association has been a huge pillar of support for many people who have suffered losses through the pandemic and experienced grief and loss in isolation, and we wanted to raise awareness of this small but hugely important charity and the work they do.

Before we started the walk we did a little personal ceremony where we had some mini balloons which represented each baby we had lost and lit candles to remember them also.

The walk was great and we ended up in the local newspaper too!  I was so proud of the team for achieving it as it was the most a lot of us had walked in one stint before. The walk also gave us all time to reflect on why we were doing this and our stories behind it so some parts got a little emotional.

I was proud to have helped raise funds for this amazing charity, and the walk with our friends really helped us.