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Janine’s Step Up challenge with family and friends

Janine took on our 250,000 step January challenge with the support of those closest to her.

This challenge has given me positivity and hope for the future.

Angry, frustrated and sad are just some of the emotions I go through on a daily basis. I’m in my early 40s and have suffered from two miscarriages and although medically there is nothing wrong, which I’m extremely grateful for, I’m left wondering why and when will it be my turn?

I decided at the end of 2021 that I needed to change my focus, get into a more positive mindset and lose a few pounds.

Having the support of friends and family has really got me through these difficult times and after seeing and reading about the Step Up for the M.A.* challenge I thought what a great thing to do – and that this would be great to do with the closest people to me.

So, my husband and my closest family and friends have all rallied behind me to take on this challenge together. I have set up a WhatsApp group where we all log our steps for the day and send each other motivational messages.

It has been a great way to kick off 2022 and I’m really touched by the love and support everyone has shown me. We will all be donating collectively at the end of the challenge.

There is so much more to my story, but most importantly this challenge has given me positivity and hope for the future, for when it is my turn to have a baby.


* Step Up for the M.A. is our fundraiser which challenges people to complete 250,000 steps throughout the month of January, the same number of steps as the number of pregnancies that are estimated to end in miscarriage in the UK each year.