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MiNESS 20-28: research into late pregnancy loss

The MiNESS 20-28 study is looking at factors which might be linked to pregnancy losses between 20 and 28 weeks of pregnancy.

This period includes both late second trimester miscarriages and stillbirths. The researchers have chosen to use the term ‘early stillbirth’ to cover both. MiNESS 20-28 is the short name for the Mothers Working to Prevent Early Stillbirth Study (@MiNESS20_28).

In the UK, 1,600 babies a year die between 20 and 28 weeks of pregnancy, and it’s important to know if there are practical steps that could reduce this number. 

A previous study showed that after 28 weeks of pregnancy, mothers who go to sleep on their back or who drink more caffeine in later pregnancy are two times more likely to have a stillbirth. Changes to care, such as the #sleeponside campaign, have helped to reduce the number of babies dying through stillbirth in late pregnancy. However, we don’t know whether the same things affect the chance of baby loss earlier in pregnancy.

The MiNESS 20-28 study will check whether the same or different factors are linked to pregnancy loss between 20-28 weeks, with hospitals around the UK taking part.

Taking part

If you are being cared for in one of the participating Maternity Units you can ask your midwife about how you can take part in the study. They hope to talk to:

You can find the full list of current recruitment sites and units here.

What participants will be asked to do

Each person will be invited to take part in a meeting (online or face to face, lasting 1-2 hours) with a research midwife. The midwife will ask about their background, general health, lifestyle, pregnancy symptoms and the healthcare provided by their midwife or doctor during their pregnancy.

Here’s an excellent video that tells you more: