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Periods after pregnancy loss – what to expect

29th February 2024

Going through a miscarriage can be devastating in many ways – the emotional distress alone can feel overwhelming. It is important to be kind and patient with yourself and seek all the support you need. Your body will also need time to adjust, which can mean your periods after miscarriage may be a bit different.

Knowing what to expect during this time can help. We’ve tried to answer some of the most common questions about periods after pregnancy loss – hopefully this might help to reduce some anxiety.


How long might it take for my period to return after a miscarriage?

Everyone is different and this can vary depending on how quickly your hormone levels settle. As a guide it can take between 4 to 8 weeks for your periods to return. For some people this can be a little shorter and for others this can be a bit longer, it doesn’t mean than anything is wrong, but if you haven’t had a period within this time, it might be an idea to consult your GP or hospital doctor.


What might my first period after miscarriage be like?

Again, this may be different from person to person. For some it can be heavier and more painful than normal and it might also last a bit longer, too. There can sometimes be some small blood clots or tissue that comes away; this can be upsetting to see but is not a cause for concern.

For other people the first period might be much lighter and shorter than they are used to, perhaps especially after surgical management of miscarriage, and subsequent periods usually do get back to a more normal flow and length.


My cycle and periods are different after my miscarriage is there something wrong?

Irregular periods after a miscarriage can be very common. Your body has been through some big hormonal changes, and it can take a few months before it gets back to a more predictable pattern.

If your cycle was irregular before the miscarriage, it is likely that they will stay that way afterwards, too. If your periods were like clockwork before your miscarriage, more often they will quickly get back to that pattern. If they haven’t returned to your normal after 3-6 months, then do talk things through with your GP.


I find my periods a trigger. Is that normal?

Miscarriage can be a devastating and traumatic experience. Experiencing bleeding again can be an upsetting reminder of the physical side of the miscarriage and bring back feelings of anxiety, panic and distress. Your period returning is of course also a painful reminder that you aren’t pregnant anymore.


When will I ovulate after a miscarriage?

You can start ovulating within one to two months after a miscarriage. However, it’s possible to begin ovulating within two weeks of a miscarriage if it happened during the first 13 weeks of pregnancy.

Many people track their ovulation and some might use ovulation sticks. People tell us that these can be inaccurate until your period has returned as they can turn positive when there is still hCG (pregnancy hormones) in your system. So, it’s probably better to wait until you have had your first period before using them again.


When can I start trying again?

Many people want to try again soon after their loss. Once your bleeding has completely stopped from the miscarriage and you have had a negative pregnancy test, you can try again before your period returns if you want to. Doctors will often suggest waiting until you have had a normal period as this makes a pregnancy easier to date. As long as there have been no complications after your miscarriage, the most important thing is when you and your partner feel ready to try again.


What about PCOS or endometriosis?

Some chronic medical conditions, such as PCOS and endometriosis, can affect your periods and might make your cycle irregular, with periods being heavier, more painful and less frequent. This may be worse after a miscarriage as your hormones settle and your body heals.  It can also add to any anxiety you may have about future fertility and miscarriage risk. While there is no complete cure for these conditions, there are treatment options that can help reduce your symptoms and improve your fertility, which your GP or specialist can discuss with you.


If you have any questions or concerns about your periods after pregnancy loss, or would like to talk to one of our support workers about any part of your experience, do just get in touch.



Helen Berry

M.A. Support Worker and former midwife

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