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Sara and Dave’s fundraising story: the Great Bristol Run

Sara and Dave struggled with fertility issues, and had three losses before having their daughter through IVF. They decided to run the Great Bristol Run to raise awareness of pregnancy loss, and fundraise for the M.A.

We ran as a salute to all those who have experienced miscarriage, proudly wearing the Miscarriage Association t-shirts in solidarity, and to help raise awareness and funds.

We were thrilled to run our first half marathon in Bristol on behalf of the Miscarriage Association. Bristol is where we met and got engaged, so it was the perfect place to create another special memory.

After many years of struggling with fertility issues, we were lucky enough to have our daughter through IVF, but also lost 3 other pregnancies along the way. We wanted to create a “finish line” for our own journey, to bring us some closure, and to cherish both the wins and the losses. We ran as a salute to all those who have experienced miscarriage, proudly wearing the Miscarriage Association t-shirts in solidarity, and to help raise awareness and funds.

Everyone who has lost a pregnancy, at any stage, is a superhero in our eyes. We celebrate life after losing life; they will never be forgotten but forever honoured.