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Ollie & Angharad: the Plymouth Half

Ollie and Anghard suffered a miscarriage in January 2023. After finding the M.A., Ollie decided to fundraise whilst doing the Plymouth Half Marathon.

My wife came across the Miscarriage Association on Instagram and started to follow them. Quickly she realised that she was not alone in how she was feeling... it made the process of grieving feel ever so slightly less painful knowing we had somewhere we could turn to for support. 

When deciding to do a half marathon along with my two brothers-in-law, it was an easy decision to pick the Miscarriage Association as my charity to support. Back in January 2023, me and my now wife, experienced a miscarriage at 12 weeks. It was just after Christmas and felt as if our world came crashing down around us. All the wondering who you would be, and what you would look like, immediately just came to a stop. When we came home from the hospital we felt so lonely. It is rare for people to talk about their experiences with early pregnancy loss, so emotional support felt far and few between. 

My wife came across the Miscarriage Association on Instagram and started to follow them. Quickly she realised that she was not alone in how she was feeling, and began to share stories with me. It made the process of grieving feel ever so slightly less painful knowing we had somewhere we could turn to for support. 

Going forward 14 months, we are now married and deep in our trying to conceive journey – so far it hasn’t been an easy one. But we are still hopeful that we will be given the best gift of all someday. Being able to complete my first half marathon supporting a charity I feel very passionate about has filled me with pride, and being able to say we raised over £400 feels like a big achievement. Let’s bring on the next one!