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Harpreet’s story: Distorted reality

Harpreet experienced a miscarriage at 20 weeks. She explores the complexity of loss, and offers advice and encouragement to others finding their way through their own journey.

You are stronger than you can imagine and loss may quite simply be another challenge in your journey. Keep those close who support, guide and nourish your mind. The more we stick together the easier the healing process becomes.

A journey that should have lasted a life time, unfortunately came to a sudden end within 20 weeks of gestation. Those daunting words “miscarriage” felt very real at this given period. The situation is serious we were told. Your baby won’t make it in other words. There’s no real way of describing the physical pain, the heartbreak and mental torment that comes with such breaking news. For a doctor it is just another foetus. For a family it’s a precious form of life. For a woman it’s a blur, a time scale which suddenly becomes a distorted form of reality. Not only is the process invasive and bloody quite literally, it becomes a mental rollercoaster.

Given that we are a progressive society, the subject of baby loss still remains a taboo. A topic which in actual fact should be spoken about and discussed. As a woman not only is it isolating, it becomes a matter of constantly questioning yourself and what the future holds. No matter how strong your support systems are, fundamentally it all comes down to you. The way you begin to process your emotions, the steps you take to move forward with the situation. As they say, grief comes in waves, you’ll have your hard days and you’ll have your good days. Though, easier said than done you have to make peace with loss and find a way to pave through it. You are stronger than you can imagine and loss may quite simply be another challenge in your journey. Keep those close who support, guide and nourish your mind. The more we stick together the easier the healing process becomes.

Here’s to positivity, good energy and sending all our rainbow babies lots of love, prayers and peace.


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