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Tears of wonder

Sometimes I cry, at any time, any place, I cry. Lie in bed, I cry, in the shower, I cry, stare out the window, I cry. I feel lost, I feel drained, I feel pain, I feel like a failure. I want to be happy but I can’t right now. Its always there in the back of my mind, pushing its way to the front. You were barely here but it feels like I’ve lost a lifetime. You were going to be my life, my world, my miracle, my dream. I needed you, I wanted you, I had you and then I lost you. Its not fair how you came to just leave. No hello, no goodbye. I didnt even get to see you, I just knew of your presence by 2 lines and the evidence you left behind. Was it not cosy enough? Did I hurt you? What was so wrong that you had to go? I will always wonder who you would have been. I would of protected you, cared for you, loved you. Your dad is amazing.. he never even got to feel your presence, he deserves more. I wanted everyone to know of your existence but it was cut short and now its hard to tell your story. We’ll never forget. I hope heaven is better for you, you were obviously needed up there. Too perfect for earth. Our Angel.

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