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I had a missed miscarriage at 8 weeks

Kanesha (19) from the USA writes about her miscarriage and tells other young women that they are not alone.

Apart from my mother and my sister, I didn’t get any support from other family members. They really didn’t care. My best friend wasn’t there for me. I would’ve loved support from my father but he didn’t care.

I found out I was pregnant at 6 weeks

I found out that I was 6 weeks pregnant at a regular obgyn visit. I was lost for words but so excited to become a mother and having a wonderful life growing inside of me. 4 weeks passed by and I was experiencing all of the joys of being pregnant with my first child.

I hoped my baby was just developing slowly

I was supposed to be 10weeks 3days when I went in for my first ultrasound. I was so excited to see my baby for the first time but I didn’t expect the news I got. The ultrasound technician said the baby stopped growing at 8w3d. At that moment I felt like something was ripped out of my heart, I cant even put into words the actual feeling I had. I was not experiencing any kind of signs of miscarriage so I still had hope that my baby was OK but just developing slowly. I went to ER and they told me my baby was not alive and expect to start bleeding in the next few weeks.

I didn’t get much support

I did not get any support from the hospital they didn’t show any empathy for my loss. Apart from my mother and my sister, I didn’t get any support from other family members. They really didn’t care. My best friend wasn’t there for me. I would’ve loved support from my father but he didn’t care.

You’re not alone

The Hope Line, Focus on the Family, and Miscarriage Matters helped me a lot through this. My advice to any young women going through this is to just know you are not alone and your baby does matter. You are a mommy just like the rest but your baby was just born into heaven. It’s ok to cry and mourn your baby no matter what anybody thinks. And never listen to people’s negative comments because they will never know or understand our pain unless they have been there.

The main thing is don’t blame yourself its not your fault , think of it as in your baby is on to the new chapter in life something greater then us all. There is no pain in heaven your baby is in good hands. Trust me your baby is always with you in spirit.
