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Dear Sherby

A goodbye letter to a child lost through miscarriage.

I love you with all my heart, you were my hopes, my dreams, my precious baby, but love alone could not keep you here. If it could you would never have had to leave us.

Dear Sherby

It has now been 8 weeks since you left our lives and although I will always love you and think of what could have been, I have to say goodbye.

I think about you all the time and what we should have shared and you will always, always be my second child but your big sister needs me to be her happy mum again. She’s only 11 but she says she can see the sadness in my eyes. I don’t want to forget you or for you to think I am not grieving for you, but I want to be strong for Beth again and be there for her.  Your big sister misses her chirpy mum.

I love you with all my heart, you were my hopes, my dreams, my precious baby, but love alone could not keep you here. If it could you would never have had to leave us.

I will never, ever forget you and what we should have had, but some things are not meant to be and we have to accept that. So I pray for the angels to keep you safe and tuck you up at night.

So I say goodbye and let you go. With love to take and keep.

My precious little baby, my child, my Sherby. I love you.

Mummy xx

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