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Draft Ohio legislation regarding ectopic pregnancy

Joint statement from The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust, The Association of Early Pregnancy Units, The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, and The Miscarriage Association.

December 2019

Logos of the Ectopic Pregnancy Trust, the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, the Association of Early Pregnancy Units and the Miscarriage Association

he Ectopic Pregnancy Trust, The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, The Association of Early Pregnancy Units and The Miscarriage Association are extremely concerned over House Bill 413, put forward in Ohio’s House of Representatives in the United States.

This legislation orders doctors to perform surgery to re-implant an ectopic pregnancy or face jail. This surgical procedure does not exist and is not medically possible.

We understand that reading about irresponsible legislation, like this, can be highly distressing for women and their families experiencing ectopic pregnancy. It can cause them to question whether they are being offered the correct treatment and whether their baby could be saved.

Sadly, it is not possible, in any circumstance, to move an embryo into the uterus and failure to treat an ectopic pregnancy can risk a woman’s life. It is important for women to seek medical attention and discuss with doctors the most effective treatment.

We strongly condemn the anti-abortion lobbyists for describing ectopic pregnancy in factually incorrect and medically inaccurate terms in an attempt to restrict women’s access to abortion, putting the health and lives of women at risk.

About our organisations

The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust

The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust is a UK charity which provides information, education and support to those affected by ectopic pregnancy and to the health professionals who care for them. The charity seeks to raise awareness about the condition so that the public are aware of symptoms to enable women to get medical care quickly that can be life-saving. It ensures women and their families leave hospital with relevant information and have someone to talk to about their trauma. The EPT’s Ectopic Pregnancy Patient Information literature was recently Highly Commended in the 2019 BMA Patient Information Awards. For more information, please visit: ectopic.org.uk


The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists is a medical charity that champions the provision of high quality women’s healthcare in the UK and beyond. It is dedicated to encouraging the study and advancing the science and practice of obstetrics and gynaecology. It does this through postgraduate medical education and training and the publication of clinical guidelines and reports on aspects of the specialty and service provision. For more information, please visit: rcog.org.uk


The AEPU is an expert, multi-disciplinary group in the field of early pregnancy in the UK. They set standards and offer national and international training to health professionals working in early pregnancy. For more information, please visit: aepu.org.uk

The Miscarriage Association

The Miscarriage Association is a UK charity that offers support and information to anyone affected by miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy or molar pregnancy.  In addition to providing evidence-based information, we contribute to clinical research, support good healthcare practice and work to raise public awareness of the facts and feelings of pregnancy loss.