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The latest news from the Miscarriage Association

Showing articles by Vicki Robinson

Missing Mana

15th February 2021

We share with deep sadness the loss of Mana Hazlett, who died last week. A Miscarriage Association volunteer since 1989, Mana offered telephone support and ran the Glasgow support group until only very recently.  Those of us who knew her, and those who were supported by her, will always remember her as a vibrant, seemingly […]

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Here for you this festive season

21st December 2020

We know that facing the festive season can sometimes be a struggle for those who have been through pregnancy loss. At a time when children are often at the forefront of everyone’s minds, many of you will be thinking about your lost babies and what might have been. You might already be thinking about ways […]

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Medical management of miscarriage – the MifeMiso trial results

25th August 2020

When an ultrasound scan shows that a pregnancy has ended but the process of miscarriage hasn’t started or completed, women are usually [1] offered a choice about how to manage the situation: natural management (also called expectant or conservative management): letting nature take its course; medical management: using medication to begin or speed up the […]

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The TwoPointSixChallenge

22nd April 2020

Thank you so much to everyone who has already signed up for the Miscarriage Association’s #TwoPointSixChallenge on 26 April – the day the London Marathon should have been taking place. With so many fundraising events cancelled, the 2.6 challenge is a great way for people to help us keep the Miscarriage Association’s support and information […]

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Here to help you through

14th April 2020

Miscarriage, ectopic or molar pregnancy can be devastating under any circumstances.  For many women and their partners, it means the loss not only of their baby but also of the plans, hopes and dreams they had for this new life. Coronavirus (COVID-19) is undoubtedly adding to this distress, so we want you to know that […]

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