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Miscarriage in the news

8th March 2016

Recurrent miscarriage can be devastating.  When pregnancy after pregnancy ends in heartbreak it can be harder and harder to put oneself through it – especially if no obvious cause is ever found, or possible treatment identified. That’s why news of a possible breakthrough in miscarriage research is so heartening.  Published today*, the research by the […]

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Maternity Review fails to address miscarriage care

24th February 2016

Women who experience pregnancy loss before 24 weeks have been ignored by the national Maternity Review published yesterday. This is deeply disappointing and a missed opportunity to set standards for good, compassionate miscarriage[1] care. The review sets out a five year forward view for improving outcomes of maternity services in England. While we welcome its […]

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Powerful words

12th February 2016

It is just two minutes long, but Richard Littledale’s ‘Prayer for the Day‘on BBC Radio 4 captures so much of what pregnancy loss means, that we don’t need to add our own words here. Do take two minutes to listen.    

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Gene editing: a complicated issue

2nd February 2016

You’ll probably have heard or read that the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) has given the go-ahead for research involving gene editing of embryos. These are ‘spare’ embryos left after IVF, that would normally be destroyed*. The aim of the research is to understand better what happens in the earliest days of embryo development, […]

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“Flu vaccination in pregnancy protects both mothers and babies.”

2nd December 2015

The Miscarriage Association is supporting the Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (RCOG) and the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) in encouraging more pregnant women to come forward for the free flu vaccine this winter. In a statement issued last month,  Dr Patrick O’Brien, spokesperson for the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) said: […]

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A clear result for PROMISE

26th November 2015

Progesterone supplements in the first trimester of pregnancy do NOT improve outcomes in women with a history of unexplained recurrent miscarriages. Five years after it began, the results of the PROMISE (progesterone in recurrent miscarriage) trial have now been published (1). Clear but disappointing These results are clear, they are very important – and they […]

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The thin blue line, the deep red sea

6th November 2015

We are delighted to announce the publication of artist Marjolaine Ryley’s new book, ‘The ThinBlueLine, The Deep Red Sea‘. The culmination of 18 months work as the Miscarriage Association’s artist in residence, funded by the Arts Council, this publication explores the experience of miscarriage through photography and creative writing. That sounds simpler than it is.  […]

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A special day

15th October 2015

Every year, 15 October  marks International Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day, generally known in the UK as Babyloss Awareness Day. Wherever you are, it offers an opportunity to join with others in marking the brief lives of babies who died in pregnancy, at or shortly after birth or in early infancy. This year was […]

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Babyloss Awareness Week, 9-15 October

9th October 2015

During Babyloss Awareness Week we are sharing stories, events and activities that mark the brief lives of babies lost in pregnancy, or during or shortly after birth. The Miscarriage Association and our supporters are helping to break the taboo around pregnancy loss by: Telling their stories/sharing their thoughts Natalie shares her story here Lucy remembers ‘Thailand […]

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