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The latest news from the Miscarriage Association

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New guidance re miscarriage diagnosis

29th September 2015

The diagnosis of miscarriage can be deeply distressing, especially if it also comes as a complete shock.  What it must also be, however, is absolutely accurate, and that can mean having to wait a week or more for a further scan – something many women find very hard to bear. New research published in the […]

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A difficult issue

25th March 2015

The Human Tissue Authority has today published new guidance for hospitals and clinics on the way they manage the disposal of pregnancy remains after pregnancy loss. The guidance contains much to be welcomed. However, it fails to fully address the issues raised when hospitals deal with pregnancy remains.  You can read our press statement here, […]

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Making sense of research

14th March 2015

It’s not uncommon to read media headlines reporting ‘new information’ about the causes of miscarriage.  Whether it’s low vitamin D levels, pre-pregnancy vitamins or working night-shifts, they can all make women feel blamed, that they could and should have done something to prevent their miscarriage. It’s the Miscarriage Association’s job to get beyond the headlines, […]

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New employment rights for partners

1st October 2014

From 1 October, an expectant father or the partner (including a same sex partner) of a pregnant woman will be entitled to take unpaid time off work to accompany the woman to up to two of her ante-natal appointments. The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills has issued guidance entitled “Time off to accompany a […]

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New quality standard on miscarriage care

10th September 2014

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has today launched a new quality standard on the diagnosis and management of ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage.  Its key message: that appropriate referrals, timely investigations and early diagnosis will help to improve care and could potentially save lives. We warmly welcome this quality standard, highlighting as […]

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A sensitive issue

26th March 2014

There has been much publicity recently about the way that hospitals deal with the remains of babies lost in pregnancy.  Despite existing guidance which highlights that pregnancy remains should be disposed of with dignity and respect, some pregnancy remains are still incinerated along with clinical waste. While this is not illegal, except in Scotland, it […]

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Miscarriage in the Media

23rd March 2014

Pregnancy remains: We have noted with sadness recent reports regarding the storage of pregnancy remains for far longer than should be the case. Even more disturbing is evidence that in some hospitals, parents have been told that remains will be cremated when in fact they are incinerated along with clinical waste.  While incineration of pregnancy […]

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Can we reduce the risk of miscarriage?

19th February 2014

Research in Denmark published today* highlights some of the key risk factors for miscarriage that women might be able to modify, either before conception or during pregnancy. Overall, it’s a useful study in that it confirms what we already know, but it does raise some questions too, so let’s look at what it says. The […]

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Miscarriage: the talking continues

11th March 2013

It’s been two weeks since we launched our campaign to get people talking about miscarriage – and what a success it’s been! We began with features on BBC Breakfast news, Radio 5 Live (47 minutes in) and BBC Radio Manchester and the conversations have been growing exponentially on Facebook and Twitter, in blogs and by text, […]

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