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The latest news from the Miscarriage Association

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Miscarriage: let’s talk about it!

7th January 2013

Thanks to the Reed Foundation and everyone who supported our Big Give Christmas Challenge, we are now planning a month-long poster campaign, targeting passengers at five large UK railway stations. The posters will be large, bold and simple – “Miscarriage: let’s talk about it”. They will aim to raise awareness of miscarriage, make a statement […]

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NICE guidelines on miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy

12th December 2012

The Miscarriage Association warmly welcomes the publication today of new guidelines on the diagnosis and management of miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy. Developed and published by NICE, the guidelines recommend that women who experience miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy should receive “good, consistent, timely and effective care and support that addresses their needs and enables them to […]

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Time for a change

21st November 2012

We are delighted to announce that there has been overwhelming agreement from patients and health professionals that the term ERPC (Evacuation of Retained Products of Conception) should be changed to Surgical Management of Miscarriage (or SMM). We are very grateful to the Association of Early Pregnancy Units, the Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists, and […]

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Miscarriage expressed in dance

23rd May 2012

“Unborn” is a powerful short film, expressing through dance the memories and feelings of a young woman who has miscarried.  It is choreographed and beautifully danced by Sissi Tellechea, and directed and produced by Oliver Telleachea. It’s freely available to watch at https://vimeo.com/36184574 or below. Unborn from Oliver Tellechea on Vimeo.

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Finance, fundraising and fears…

1st December 2011

Is the economic downturn affecting donations to charity? Well, yes and no, says an article in Third Sector* magazine, the daily charity news bulletin. In recent days, Cancer Research UK – Britain’s largest fundraising charity – has reported a drop in income of 6% in the year to March 2011.  That translates as a fall […]

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Online forums make a positive difference

8th November 2011

A report from the University of Michigan has just concluded that online forums can help women cope with pregnancy loss. Most women in the study said that participating in an online messageboard helped them feel less isolated.  One said most important to her was knowing “that I am not the only one this has happened to […]

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