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The latest news from the Miscarriage Association

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Wave of Light

15th November 2017

Today we’re remembering last month’s Wave of Light, with a video of some of the hundreds of candles that lit up our social media pages. Thank you to everyone who allowed us to include their very special photos and to Itty Bitty Beats​ for giving us permission to use their beautiful song, ‘The Last Lullaby’. […]

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New research testing for risk of miscarriage

1st November 2017

The Telegraph reports today: ‘Women could be told from the beginning of pregnancy if they are at high risk of miscarriage or premature birth thanks to a highly accurate new tests. Leading scientists have described as “very exciting” a breakthrough technique which can detect serious complications months in advance, giving doctors the chance to intervene […]

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Simply Say: The word is spreading

9th August 2017

Just over a week ago, we launched our #SimplySay campaign, which aims to help people find the right words when someone they know experiences pregnancy loss. We have been delighted to see how the message has resonated with so many, with our campaign animation being viewed over 55,000 times on Facebook alone. Hundreds of people […]

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Simply Say: a new campaign

1st August 2017

Today the Miscarriage Association is launching a campaign to help people know what to say – and what not to say – to someone who has been through a miscarriage or an ectopic or molar pregnancy. We’ve called the campaign Simply Say. And yet we know it’s not simple at all in many ways, because […]

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Reflections on pregnancy loss

2nd March 2017

The experience of pregnancy loss – miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, molar pregnancy – is always unique.  Even though there are often shared elements, everyone’s story is different, like so many experiences in life. Today we are sharing four stories, with thanks to the parents who have allowed us to do so. The first is an essay […]

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A pregnancy loss certificate

26th January 2017

When a baby dies before 24 weeks of pregnancy, there is no legal recognition of his or her brief life, no birth or death certificate. While some parents may be relieved that they don’t have to face the ordeal of registering their loss at the local Registry office, others find this threshold immensely distressing and […]

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Coping with the festive season

20th December 2016

It’s nearly Christmas, as well as the Jewish festival of Chanukah.  A time for celebrating, a time for family and friends and, very often, a time where children and babies are in the forefront of people’s minds. Some of you will find this a very dark time and might struggle to get through the next […]

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