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Stories about LGBTQ+

Katy’s story: children are not part of my future and that’s ok

Katy shares her experience of recurrent miscarriage. She talks about finding support and her feelings about a future with her wife, without children.

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We set up a support group for LGBT mums after a difficult journey to being parents

Laura-Rose talks of the isolation she and her wife Stacey have felt, both as being mothers together and when they experienced a miscarriage – and how they have used their experience to make a positive difference for other LGBT+ people.

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We wanted to be mums but we miscarried our twins

Shannon talks about the impact having a miscarriage had on her and her female partner.

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Jessica and Natalie’s story: a miscarriage after a stillbirth

Jessica & Natalie share their story of the loss of an IVF pregnancy, following the loss of their son at 37 weeks.

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Sophie shares the story of her and her partner Charlottes miscarriage

Process of becoming pregnant and miscarrying in a same sex relationship.

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Miscarriage after IUI and IVF

A partner tells of her wife’s miscarriage at thirteen weeks of twins, conceived after several rounds of IUI and then IVF.

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Miscarriage of our IVF pregnancy

Miscarriage of our IVF pregnancy

Mel shares her feelings when her girlfriend’s IVF pregnancy miscarried at 14 weeks.

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