Stories about miscarriage
Partners also need support after miscarriage
Scott shares his experience of miscarriage, pregnancy after loss and how important it is for partners to be able to find support.
Sabina’s story
Sabina reflects on her way of coping at the time of her miscarriages and the impact of her losses years later.
Feelings five years after miscarriage
Amy shares her experience of miscarriage, returning to work, and how the grief still catches her off guard 5 years later.
Janette’s story
Janette experienced 4 miscarriages in between having her 2 children. Here she talks about the ongoing impact of her losses.
Nadine’s story
Nadine shares her story of a missed miscarriage, including details of medical and surgical management.
I never…
Charlotte shares a poem she wrote after a miscarriage, in the hope that it will help others going through something similar.
Writing your miscarriage story
Leanne and Mark experienced two miscarriages. Here they talk about how writing down their stories helped them.
Talking about miscarriage in the workplace
Leanne and Mark talk about how they’ve spoken out about pregnancy loss in their workplace following their experience of miscarriage.