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Stories about partners

From dark hours will come joy

I’ve wandered aimless as a dandelion scattered to the wind,
Watched helpless as the tides of emotion sweep across your Mother’s brow,
Seen rivers bathe her tired cheeks,
And wished I could have known you as she has…

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A miscarriage features prominently

A miscarriage features prominently in Richard Burke’s second novel, “Redemption”. In the account below, first published in The Independent, he writes about his and his wife’s experience of ectopic pregnancy and recurrent miscarriage.

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A father’s story

Recurrent miscarriage followed by successful pregnancy.

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Stuart’s experience of miscarriage after an IVF pregnancy

Stuart shares his experience, and the importance of being open and honest.

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Miscarriage following a healthy pregnancy

Peter remembers the need both to be supportive and to express his emotions after his partner’s miscarriage.

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Letters after three miscarriages

A couple share their experience of recurrent miscarriage through letters written to their lost babies.

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I still grieve for our lost baby

Three years after his partner’s miscarriage, Neil shares his feelings of grief and distress both then and now.

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Miscarriage after IUI and IVF

A partner tells of her wife’s miscarriage at thirteen weeks of twins, conceived after several rounds of IUI and then IVF.

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Miscarriage after ICSI

A husband describes the diagnosis of fertility problems, undergoing fertility treatment and then having a miscarriage.

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