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Stories about partners

We coped with recurrent miscarriage differently – and our son blamed himself

A dad shares his feelings about his wife’s repeated miscarriages, and the impact on his wife and son.

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I had three miscarriages in 12 months

Rachael shares her experience of recurrent miscarriage (with some graphic detail of heavy blood loss).

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7 a.m.

James reflects on a ‘more than upsetting morning’.

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Second trimester miscarriage

Second trimester miscarriage

Bill talks about his wife’s late miscarriage, and his feelings of fear, loss and grief.

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Miscarriage of our IVF pregnancy

Miscarriage of our IVF pregnancy

Mel shares her feelings when her girlfriend’s IVF pregnancy miscarried at 14 weeks.

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My partner’s early miscarriage

My partner’s early miscarriage

Peter shares his feelings of shock, distress and helplessness after the diagnosis of early miscarriage.

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Coping with recurrent miscarriage

Coping with recurrent miscarriage

Nikhil describes coping with his wife’s second miscarriage, and feelings of anxiety, distress and loneliness.

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Recurrent miscarriage and pregnancy

Recurrent miscarriage and pregnancy

Mike talks about his wife’s recurrent miscarriages, medical and natural management, and pregnancy after loss.

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Holly was 18 when she had a missed miscarriage

Holly was 18 when she had a missed miscarriage

Holly’s ex boyfriend blamed her for their miscarriage. Here she talks about what happened and her feelings of guilt and loss.

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