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Stories about recurrent loss

Why men need to talk about miscarriage

Journalist Keyan Milanian shared his feelings about miscarriage in an online article.

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Recurrent loss and a successful pregnancy

Néna talks about recurrent miscarriage.

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The mummy he used to know – siblings and pregnancy loss

Jemma describes the emotional impact of recurrent miscarriage.

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A miscarriage features prominently

A miscarriage features prominently in Richard Burke’s second novel, “Redemption”. In the account below, first published in The Independent, he writes about his and his wife’s experience of ectopic pregnancy and recurrent miscarriage.

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A father’s story

Recurrent miscarriage followed by successful pregnancy.

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My story

A detailed story of recurrent miscarriage, natural and medical management and the value of counselling.

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Letters after three miscarriages

A couple share their experience of recurrent miscarriage through letters written to their lost babies.

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We coped with recurrent miscarriage differently – and our son blamed himself

A dad shares his feelings about his wife’s repeated miscarriages, and the impact on his wife and son.

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I had three miscarriages in 12 months

Rachael shares her experience of recurrent miscarriage (with some graphic detail of heavy blood loss).

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