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Talking about pregnancy loss

4th November 2016

In a short film broadcast on BBC South TV*, Kate talks about her experience of recurrent loss, along with members of the Winchester miscarriage support group.

Recurring Miscarriage – Kate’s Story from Russell Sheath on Vimeo.

The film, made by Russell Sheath and Still River Films, confirms recent research evidence that pregnancy loss can have a huge impact on those going through it.  A significant number of women who took part in that research reported anxiety, depression and symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder, like flashbacks and panic attacks, even some months after their loss.

‘Kate’s story’ highlights the continuing sadness and distress of recurrent loss as well as new support techniques being trialled at Southampton University.  What comes over clearly too are the benefits of finding support from others who have been through something similar, whether through a local support group or by using the M.A. forum or social media.

Our helpline is also here for anyone who’d just like to talk things through, whether by phone or by email: info@miscarriageassociation.org.uk.

You really don’t have to go through this alone

*  You can watch the broadcast here – six and a half minutes into the programme.

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