Our helpline: 01924 200799 Mon, Tue, Thu 9am-4pm | Wed, Fri 9am-8pm

Complaints policy and procedure

The Miscarriage Association aims to provide support and information that is always of the very highest quality. However, we recognise that from time to time we may not always get things right and when that happens, we want to hear about it and learn from our mistakes.

This page sets out how to make a complaint about any aspect of the Miscarriage Association’s operations or communications.

We take concerns and complaints seriously and we welcome all feedback and suggestions.

How to complain

A complaint can be made either by telephone or in writing (by post or email).

By phone

To make a complaint or raise a concern over the phone, please call the Miscarriage Association’s National Director on 01924 200795. If they are unavailable, please leave a message and they will return your call as soon as possible – usually within 3 working days.

The National Director will take notes during the call to allow them to investigate the complaint. These notes will be kept confidential and stored securely after the complaint has been resolved.

In writing

You should send your complaint, marked private and confidential, to:

The National Director

The Miscarriage Association

2 Otters Holt



To email your complaint, please send it to ruth@miscarriageassociation.org.uk

Please include as much information as possible, along with your contact details.

If your complaint is about the National Director, then please write directly to the Chair of Trustees by email at chair@miscarriageassociation.org.uk

What happens next?

We will acknowledge your complaint within 3 working days of receipt. If we are unable to deal with your complaint at that time, we will set out a timescale for when you can expect to receive a full response. We will endeavour to ensure this is within a maximum 20 working days.

Recording complaints

We will store all complaints, whether received verbally or in writing on our Complaints Register which is overseen by our Board of Trustees.