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Tracey wanted to increase awareness about miscarriage with her second event

I have unfortunately suffered two miscarriages, the first in August 2017 and the second in April 2019. After my first miscarriage I trawled for answers and came across the Miscarriage Association website.

So many people have been so kind and generous and have opened up to me about their experiences.

I decided then to raise money for the MA in October 2017 asking my work colleagues to wear pink and blue for Babyloss Awareness week where we raised £2,090.  My husband and I were absolutely devastated after my second miscarriage, I felt like my whole world had fallen apart. I again with help from my husband and close friends organised a quiz night in our local pub and raised £1,400.  I was overwhelmed by so much kindness and generosity and people who would never speak have opened up to me about their experiences. Organising these events will benefit normal people like me to get through one of the hardest and saddest times in their lives. Aside from raising money for the charity it was important to me to raise awareness, miscarriage is such a taboo subject that even to this day it is never discussed – nobody should feel alone.

Thank you to the MA for helping me through my darkest days.