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2014 London Marathon team

Photos and comments from the 2014 Miscarriage Association London Marathon team.

Team member Carol McEvoy reflected on her experience:

“Running the marathon, albeit injured, was amazing – something I would love to repeat one day. The knowledge that my run was to aid a charity, I wish I had known about whilst suffering 3 miscarriages on the trot, truly made it more gratifying – hopefully awareness of your cause has been raised and long may it continue to do so.”

Between them our 2104 team raised £50,216 in sponsorship, and we were able to collect a further £7,186 in Gift Aid – a wonderful total of £57,402. As veteran M.A. runner Terry Axon (below) commented:

“I think everyone who runs a marathon does and should feel proud, it is a great achievement no matter how long it takes. And a fantastic total for the M.A. – even in these hard times people are still willing to dig deep for good causes.”

Terry Axon

Terry Axon

Hannah Ward, with her husband

Hannah Ward, with her proud husband

Here’s some of those who made it to the Cafe in the Crypt for some well-earned rest and refreshment.

Craig Watt

Craig Watt (who ran for us again in 2015)

Luke Sanders

Luke Sanders and his wife

Paul Harrison

Paul, another runner who ran in 2015 too

Rehydrating with a beer or two

If you’re wondering how runners rehydrate…