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2016 London Marathon team

Comments and photos from the Miscarriage Association's 2016 London Marathon team.


“Completing that marathon was truly one of the best days of my life and I enjoyed every second. I thought of my little ones throughout and had a smile permanently plastered on my face! I raised over £2800 in the end and it will be something I will be immensely proud if for years to come.” – Nicola

“Cheers to all that organised today and I hope we helped raised some much needed money and awareness. A great effort all round! Now where do I sign up for next year!” – Gareth

“I feel completely humbled and honoured to be part of such a wonderful team” – Aleisha

“Not my first marathon but by far my most meaningful. Glad to be part of such a great team” – Kerry

“In my starting pen I took my black bin liner off and revealed my MA running vest and the lady beside me saw it and burst in to tears. Before we started she explained that she’d had 5 miscarriages and had applied for the marathon as way to have something else to focus on. She had never heard about the MA, but assured me she would get in contact after the marathon as she felt like she needed support. She told me that she felt that meeting me on the start line was meant to be and thanked all of the MA runners for choosing such a great cause. I thought it was a clear example of exactly why the MA is a great charity and why we need to keep raising awareness.” – James

“Thanks MA for being so lovely. I cried a LOT at the finish, happy tears of course” – Michelle

“I would like to say a huge thank you to Ruth and everyone at MA for letting my brother and I fundraise for them and to be part of their great charity. The MA was a great support while on the run as well and brilliant with organising everything for us as the runners” – Chris

“Thank you so much for letting me run for your wonderful charity and well done to the whole team. I’m sure we raised a lot of money to help those so deserving of it” – Jo

“Just completing regardless of time is such a massive achievement and so great to have done for such a great cause and with all you wonderful people” – Rob

“Still on such a high! I just loved it – after being injured I just decided to forget about time and enjoy it – and I did! Was lovely to see some of you at the start and knowing there were friendly faces at mile 18 really helped. Well done to us all in raising so much money for this amazing charity. It was an honour to run for you” – Becky

“A day I won’t forget, proud to be part of such a fantastic experience for a great charity” – Alison

“Me and Andy had a blast. Such a special and amazing day for us personally, but we also got to raise money and awareness for such a worthwhile charity” – Lucy