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Claire took part in a fundraising skydive on her lost baby’s due date to raise funds for the M.A

Claire leapt out of a plane at 15,000 feet on her lost baby's due date, 6th May 2021, to raise funds for the M.A

I decided that no one should suffer alone so I decided to take part in a charity skydive to raise awareness for all types of miscarriages, with the proceeds going to The Miscarriage Association.

Claire told us:

I had been suffering secondary infertility since I had my first daughter when I was 25 years old.  After multiple operations and IVF in my early 30s my partner and myself become pregnant during our 2nd round of IVF and had a second daughter in January 2020.

Much to our surprise we fell pregnant naturally 6 months after having our daughter.

At our 6 week scan which I had to attend alone due to Covid I was told the baby was healthy and had a strong heartbeat. We decided to book a private scan at 12 weeks as my partner wanted to attend and my NHS scan wasn’t booked until 15 weeks.

On the way to our private scan with our baby in tow we were so happy and discussing names as we excitingly planned for our new arrival but a few seconds into the scan we was told our baby had stopped growing at 9 weeks, 3 days and I’d suffered a missed miscarriage.

To be honest it was the first we’d ever heard of a missed miscarriage and we was left so confused with very little information and just a note stating our baby was no longer.

Passing my baby 3 days later with medical intervention after being rushed to hospital via ambulance due to blood loss was the most horrific experience I’ve ever had and my partner wasn’t allowed to hospital with me due to Covid yet again.

I decided there and then that no one should suffer alone so I decided to take part in a charity skydive to raise awareness for all types of miscarriages, with proceeds going to The Miscarriage Association.

On our Angel baby’s due date 6th May 2021 I jumped out of a plane at 15,000 feet and raised £345.00 towards Miscarriage awareness.

The charity were even lovely enough to send me a t-shirt to do the skydive in. I’d like to thank the charity for showing support to families like mine who just needed that extra bit of love and understanding.

The charity is amazing and I’m glad I could give a little back ❤️