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Amy and Dean

Amy and Dean took part in the Great North Run in September 2018.

It was very important to me to do something positive in remembrance of our little bean, and to help give back to the charity that had given so much to us in our time of need.

My husband, Dean, and I experienced our devastating loss in December 2017. We were heartbroken after the miscarriage; we were so sad, lost and empty. The support and information provided from York Hospital was excellent, and we were very grateful for the sensitive and sympathetic treatment we received. Once we found ourselves at home, knowing our lives had changed so suddenly, was overwhelming. We felt alone.

Dean found the Miscarriage Association website and we took comfort in the information and support we found there. We were so thankful for this life line, and I wanted to show my appreciation and support for the organisation, whilst also raising awareness. It was very important to me to do something positive in remembrance of our little bean, and to help give back to the charity that had given so much to us in our time of need.

I decided to do the Great North Run and ask for sponsorship to raise funds for the Miscarriage Association. I was pleased to be able to raise over £1000 for the Association, and I feel that I did myself and our little bean proud on the day of the big event.

I wrote a poem shortly after our miscarriage, to try and make sense of my feelings:



Your tiny life had barely begun
When I felt you going
I felt you fall into my hand
The breath punched from my lungs
My mission
My ambition
And pain is my only connection to you now

You were Edward, Esme, Lily, Ewan
Loved for longer than a lifetime
You were our Little Bean

Huddled before our Christmas tree
We placed you lovingly on its branches
And there you sit, Little Bean
Forever in our hearts
Never forgotten
Never to be.