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Bradley’s Yorkshire Three Peaks fundraiser

After Bradley and Eleanor suffered a molar pregnancy, Bradley decided to fundraise for the Miscarriage Association by climbing the Yorkshire Three Peaks.

We completed it in 11 hours 20 minutes. The challenge was physically demanding, mentally & emotionally challenging. It was an amazing challenge and I was proud to honour our little bean!

Myself & my wife Eleanor married in 2022, and instantly wanted to start a family. Come the end of November, we found out Eleanor was pregnant! We’ve never been as happy. We were so excited over the Christmas period for our 12 week scan scheduled in the new year.

At our 12 week scan we were told it looked like we had suffered a missed miscarriage. To say we were devastated was an understatement. We we were told that another scan was needed to compare and confirm it. So we were left unknowing for a week until our next scan. As expected our next scan confirmed what we hoped wasn’t real! Devastated doesn’t come close to how we felt.

Eleanor chose to have a D&C procedure. Afterwards, histology showed a partial molar pregnancy. At the time, we had no idea what that meant. We were told that 1 in 600 pregnancies is molar, so it’s very rare, and we were given a brief overview of what was to come & some leaflets. In the conversation, the Doctor mentioned that the cells from the pregnancy could become cancerous, which instantly sent my brain into complete overload. Having to process the fact we had had a miscarriage/molar pregnancy, and now being told my wife could possibly end up with cancer. My mind was spinning.

At home, for a few weeks it was hard to get our heads around & information on molar pregnancy. We searched the Internet, finding the Miscarriage Association website. On the website, it had information on molar pregnancy & links to social media. Through social media, we joined in on a specific molar pregnancy support group, which really helped us both! Throughout this period, Eleanor had to go through regular tests, urine samples & blood tests to make sure the HCG levels had come down.

At that point I had decided I wanted to raise money for The Miscarriage Association and set myself a challenge of the Yorkshire 3 Peaks. Through the fundraising process we raised over £700 & awareness of miscarriage & molar pregnancy!

So came the day of the Yorkshire 3 Peaks, September 23rd. Myself and 2 of my friends, plus 2 dogs, set off on the 24 mile walk across the Yorkshire Dales! We completed it in 11 hours 20 minutes. The challenge was physically demanding, mentally & emotionally challenging. It was an amazing challenge and I was proud to honour our little bean!

I hope the money and awareness I raised helps others in the same/similar situation.