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Caitie’s acts of kindness for Miles That Matter 21

Caitie carried out weekly challenges including 21 random acts of kindness for Miles That Matter 21, in memory of her baby.

The Miscarriage Association announced their Miles That Matter 21 campaign, and I knew our baby could make a difference and have existed for something.

On April 29th 2019, my fiancé and I decided we were ready to start a family. Truth is, I’d been ready since I was 5.

On May 24th, 2021, after over 2 years of negative tests and private medical testing showing we were fully able to naturally conceive, I took a pregnancy test and this time, cried tears of joy instead of desperation.

From that second, I was petrified. You spend years desperately craving that positive test, that when you get it, you can’t comprehend losing something that has finally filled that void. You tell yourself that as you’ve already been the 1 in 8 who struggled with fertility, you couldn’t possibly be the 1 in 4 that would lose that precious pregnancy.

However, on the June 1st 2021, that fear came true and I miscarried our baby.

Just weeks later the Miscarriage Association announced their Miles That Matter 21 campaign, and I knew our baby could make a difference and have existed for something. I proceeded to complete weekly challenges throughout the month of July.

But my favourite? I completed 21 random acts of kindness in a week. I gave random people bouquets of flowers. I paid for their food or money off their bill. I spread joy in our baby’s memory, and I raised £2,366.

Seeing a gentleman’s very confused face in the car behind me at a drive-through will stay with me. And the woman who cried at the flowers and couldn’t be more grateful for the gesture.

Those moments of kindness will stay with those people for life, just like our baby will be with me for life. Thank you, Miscarriage Association, for allowing me to do such a challenge.