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Kim’s half marathon

I wanted to do something positive and I found that running was a good way to feel better both physically and mentally.

I decided to raise money for the Miscarriage Association after having a missed miscarriage at 12 weeks in December 2017.  I have a fantastic 2 year old boy, but it was still devastating to lose a much wanted second baby.

The hospital were great in terms of medical care, but I found that they were quite lacking in any emotional support; the Miscarriage Association provided me with lots of useful information to understand what was happening and to understand that the grieving process was very normal.

I wanted to do something positive and I found that running was a good way to feel better both physically and mentally, and raising money for the Miscarriage Association was an obvious must. I ran the Worcester Half Marathon in May, raising £402.50. The 13 miles were physically and emotionally exhausting.

I am so grateful to all my friends and family that sponsored me and I am pleased to report that I am expecting a baby in February 2019.