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Kim’s squat-athon

Kim chose a fundraising challenge to push herself and give something back.

It gave me a unique opportunity to talk about the Miscarriage Association to a wide variety of people.

The day itself went really well. The first 500 or so squats seemed to fly by, maybe because of too much caffeine or excess energy from resting the day before! Physically the easiest, although mentally hard, was starting the day from zero and not knowing how far the day would go.

The local newspaper turned up at the 2,000th squat, which was great motivation to keep going into the afternoon. At 3,000 squats the tiredness started to set in, and I was having to take breaks more often. By 4,000 squats it was affecting how I was walking, and after 4,700 squats someone should have been filming my walk down the stairs for the final time that day!

What was even better than the number of squats completed, was the number of people who came up to ask about who I was raising money for, and what the charity does. It gave me a unique opportunity to talk about the Miscarriage Association to a wide variety of people. Not just in person, but then the newspaper interviews and on social media too.

The challenge was great to push myself, and also fundraise at the same time to give back.

The reason I chose the Miscarriage Association was that I have experienced two miscarriages myself. I found the Miscarriage Association online at a time when there was no medical explanation for why I had miscarried. They helped to provide facts and support, when perhaps although well meaning, not everyone knows the right things to say or do. Fundraising helped me to remember my miscarriages in my own way, and I’m looking forward to doing more to support the Miscarriage Association in the future.