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Laura wanted to end the silence surrounding miscarriage

Running for the Miscarriage Association seemed an obvious choice for me to fundraise for as miscarriage is such a secret, and it shouldn’t be.

Running in the Royal Parks Half Marathon on behalf of the Miscarriage Association is helping me acknowledge my pregnancy losses by turning my distress into positivity to support other women and their families during this far too common occurrence.

I am so lucky to have a 5 year old son, although I have been pregnant 5 times.   What I needed after each time it happened was support, I needed to know I wasn’t alone.  I needed to know it wasn’t my fault.  I needed to know that it was OK not to be OK.  There was nothing, a void.  If only I’d know about The Miscarriage Association then, which I why, along with fundraising, I want my story to be out there.  I am not ashamed or embarrassed of loosing 4 pregnancies, 4 dreams of parenthood.  The silence needs to be broken.

Miscarriage 1 – 25th December 2011, Miscarriage 2 – June 2016, Miscarriage 3 – January 2018, Miscarriage 4 – Feb 2019

Running in the Royal Parks Half Marathon on behalf of the Miscarriage Association is helping me acknowledge my pregnancy losses by turning my distress into positivity to support other women and their families during this far too common occurrence.

The Miscarriage Association makes a positive difference by offering support, providing information, encouraging good care and raising public awareness about the facts and feelings of pregnancy loss.