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Natasha completes 250,000 steps in a month

Natasha talks about why she took part in Step Up for the M.A..

I completed my Step Up challenge as a way of saying thanks for all the M.A.'s support for ourselves and others we know who have sadly lost babies.

Joining Step Up for the M.A.* meant so much to me as my husband and I have lost multiple babies over the years.

My first miscarriage happened when I was 18, then another at 21. We got married and at 28 I had another miscarriage. Six months after that we lost yet another baby.

We went on to have our rainbow who is 6 soon. A year later we found ourselves expecting again, another rainbow baby who’s nearly 4 and a half now, but we sadly lost her twin.

The support and advice from the Miscarriage Association website and Facebook community was invaluable. It helped in a weird way to know I wasn’t alone and that the grief and anger we were feeling was normal.

I completed my Step Up challenge as a way of saying thanks for all the M.A.’s support for ourselves and others we know who have sadly lost babies. And mainly so that people who find themselves in a similar, awful position in the future will still have the M.A. to turn to on their darkest days.

The challenge was also incredibly hard for me to complete as I have recently been diagnosed with ME, but I have managed all 250,000 steps! On a particular part of my route there was a robin every single morning that escorted me down the path and I know it was meant to be.

I know that I am so lucky to have moved on and to have my rainbows. My angels will always be with us, never forgotten, but I know how blessed I am.


* Step Up for the M.A. is our fundraiser which challenges people to complete 250,000 steps throughout the month of January, the same number of steps as the number of pregnancies that are estimated to end in miscarriage in the UK each year.