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Nicky ran the London Marathon in memory of her lost baby

Having experienced a missed miscarriage, Nicky wanted to help the Miscarriage Association support others affected by miscarriage.

I’d check what mile I was in, look down at the dedications on my arms and remember who I was running for, why I was doing this.

I have been taking my time thinking what to write about running the London Marathon.  I have also been battling with feeling really low that it’s now all over.

First of all, I am so proud that I am a marathon runner. I ran the whole distance, 26.2 (and a touch more) miles and I ran every step.

I stopped a couple of times; once a quick loo break and then to resolve a contact lens malfunction, but I’d already decided to throw my target pace out of the window and instead concentrate on enjoying and soaking up every bit of enjoyment out of the experience.

And that I did. Without a doubt.

I looked up at the sights, I high fived as many people as I could, I danced and clapped at the live bands and music, I hugged my supporters on route, I threw my arms in the air and whooped and cheered as we crossed Tower Bridge and when I ran towards the finish line, tears in my eyes, I hugged the lady presenting me with my medal, I had The Best Day. I loved it.

Not just the weekend, but I enjoyed the training and the build-up, the whole experience of training for and participating in the London Marathon, from the moment I found out I’d won my place in a prize draw at the end of January.  Loved it.

And I am incredibly proud that I ran those miles, for the families who dedicated miles for me to run. Those miles, temporarily tattooed on my forearms, pushed me on when problems with my quads meant my pace dropped a bit further. I’d check what mile I was in, look down at the dedications on my arms and remember who I was running for, why I was doing this. People asked me about the writing on my arms and I was proud to explain what they were and why I was running.

We raised £1300 for the Miscarriage Association. I am as proud of our achievement in raising this amount, almost as much as I am that I ran the marathon!

I am really moved by how many people were tracking me on the app and tuned in on iplayer to watch me cross the line. I was sobbing as I approached the finish, not because I was hurting (though I was!) but because I was gutted that it was all going to be over and I was nearly at the end!! The sense of loss that it was about to all finish, was overwhelming and has stayed with me since.

I did it. I ran a marathon, THE London Marathon!

