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Pink and blue fundraising

Tracey raised funds by asking friends and colleagues to wear pink and blue during Babyloss Awareness Week.

I decided that I wanted to do something for our baby angel.

I have been with my husband for 18 years and had given up the thought that we would ever have children together until my 15th wedding anniversary, when I miraculously conceived.  We thought it was fate and embraced the fact that this was our little miracle and how lucky we both were.

Unfortunately at 9 weeks we found out that our baby no longer had a heartbeat.  This hit us hard and not knowing how to deal with it went with the motions of feeling numb.  I scoured the internet for answers and support, and through reading the M.A. website I realised that I was not alone.

After a few weeks of constantly thinking about it, I decided that I wanted to do something for our baby angel.  I contacted the M.A. and told them that over Babyloss Awareness Week, I had asked some good friends to help raise a bit of cash by wearing pink wigs for the evening.   I also asked my company* where I worked if it was something that they could also support, and we asked everyone to wear blue or pink or both and to donate.

I am so happy to say that in total we managed to raise £2,090 for the M.A. and £500 for SANDS.

It is amazing how many people have gone through this awful life-changing experience.  Thank you to the M.A. for making life more bearable again.


* Jupiter Asset Management Limited, who matched funds raised during the week.