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Roseanne’s remembrance fundraiser

Roseanne held a fundraiser to help remember her babies and give support to others.

The event really helped us and brought me so much comfort.

After a traumatic two years with myself and my husband having five miscarriages, we didn’t know where to get the right information from. That’s until we found the Miscarriage Association. You can find out so much information online and it really helped and answered so many questions that our doctor just wasn’t giving us.

I wanted to talk and remember our babies, give support to others and support an amazing charity so I set up a fundraiser. The Miscarriage Association team were amazing, quick to reply to my emails and sent me all the tools I needed for the event. On the 12th May 2018 we held a coffee morning. We charged £2 entry, collected donations towards cakes and held a raffle. I made bags with ways of remembering loved and lost babies, like a candle to light and a poem to read, seeds to plant and also leaflets and cards about the Miscarriage Association. I also had a corner of remembrance where couples could go up and light candles to remember there loved and lost babies.

I was overwhelmed with the turn out and we managed to raise £210 for the Miscarriage Association. The event really helped us and brought me so much comfort. I hope to hold another event in the future and cannot thank the Miscarriage Association enough for their support and guidance throughout.