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Rosie Steps Up for the M.A

Fitting in time for walking was tricky but SO worth it and I am so glad I took part.

As for everyone, it was a challenge.  It was physically a long way, but more so in terms of time in lockdown –  I have two little boys and a business so fitting in time for walking was tricky but SO worth it and I am so glad I took part. I run a lot usually, and to be honest was surprised by how hard that much walking is!

I recorded 125 miles of walks in 24 days and raised £550 which I was so pleased with and just so grateful to everyone who sponsored me. I set a starting target of £200 so was completely overwhelmed to raise so much.

I had 3 miscarriages before and between having my two boys (they are 8 and 5 now) but I wouldn’t have got through those dark days without the support of the MA. The helpline, information, the forum – it was an absolute godsend during those really, really tough times and I will be forever grateful to the charity and the people I met through it.

I know so many more people can benefit from the work that you do!
