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Stacey’s charity insanity class

Stacey talks about how organising a charity event helped give her something to focus on after her miscarriage.

Watching the money my partner and I were raising together rise rapidly for such an amazing charity pulled me through.

My reason behind organising a charity event for the Miscarriage Association…

I did this not only for my own dignity and to bring myself up from one of the lowest moments of my life, but for all the other women around me that suffer that horrible word – ‘miscarriage’

I didn’t want to believe I was having a miscarriage and losing my baby that I had so long wished for, but I was. It just wasn’t the right time for my beautiful angel to be brought into this world.

Knowing that I was organising an insanity class for the Miscarriage Association helped me to have a focus and to keep me on track. Watching the money my partner and I were raising together rise rapidly for such an amazing charity pulled me through.

I was so happy to hear people say to me: “Well done, I will support you”, or “I’m so proud of you”. It made me realise my time will come, and when it does I will cherish that moment!

The Miscarriage Association charity will always have a special place in mine and my partners heart!

Never give up, your time will come. Keep thinking positively!