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Symone’s Memory Walk Story: Baby Loss Awareness Week

After Symone experienced an ectopic pregnancy in September 2023, she decided to take part in our first ever Memory Walk during Baby Loss Awareness Week.

We are so thankful to all of our friends and family who donated and joined us on the walk, and also my mums hair salon who did a raffle to help boost the fundraising. It really helped us realise we are not alone 💙

A short while after finding out we were pregnant with our second baby, I started with unbelievable pains around my tummy and back. We visited A&E on 26th September 2023 who referred us for a scan with the EPAU on 28th September.

The scan revealed the devasting news that the pregancy was ectopic.

Luckily we had caught it early and the baby was still very small, so I wouldn’t need to have surgery on this occasion although the option was still there if I wanted to take it.

The doctors and fantastic midwives talked us though our options, a methotrexate injection which would prevent the baby from growing any bigger, or key hole surgery to remove the baby. I took the methotrexate injection, but I can’t say that was the easy ways out! I returned after days 4 and 7 but unfortunately my HCG hadn’t dropped by 15%. I had a scan that revealed the ‘mass’ where the baby was had actually grown.

The pain had actually eased and I was feeling a little better in myself, but unfortunately I had to have another methotrexate injection and return for my bloods on day 4 and 7 again.

Luckily the second time around my blood had dropped by 17.5% 🎉.

I saw the 4 mile walk for Baby Loss Awareness Week, I was a little scared as it was right in the middle of my treatment and not many people knew about our news. I wanted to do something special more for myself as closure, and also to give back for all the support we had received!

I started a fundraising page and very bravely shared it on Facebook. I invited people to join us on the walk, and we had a fantastic turn out of 25 people, and raised £400, which is more than me and my husband could have ever expected!

We are so thankful to all of our friends and family who donated and joined us on the walk, and also my mums hair salon who did a raffle to help boost the fundraising. It really helped us realise we are not alone 💙