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Raising awareness

Miscarriage* is still something of a taboo subject. Perhaps you could help us to carry on breaking the silence around it while also raising awareness of the Miscarriage Association and the work we do?

There are lots of simple things you can do to help raise awareness, from becoming a media volunteer to helping us spread the word on social media.

* Although we use the word ‘miscarriage’ here, raising awareness of ectopic pregnancy and molar pregnancy is equally important. In fact, because people often don’t know what they are, it can be even more important to get them talked about. Even so, we’ll often use the word ‘miscarriage’ or ‘pregnancy loss’ in this information, just for ease of reading.

Download our Awareness Volunteers guide here, or read on for a brief overview. If you’d like to know more about fundraising opportunities, then click here

Media volunteers

Join our media volunteer team and work with us to highlight miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy and molar pregnancy and the issues surrounding them. You’ll work positively with the media, usually by sharing your story, to help ensure pregnancy loss stays firmly in the spotlight. Find out more about becoming one here.

Social media/online champions

Social media is a quick and easy way to help raise awareness and to support the work of the M.A. You can use your own social media channels to share or retweet our public posts. We also have private Facebook groups which you can join and use to share your experience and support others.

Community champions

These volunteers help to raise awareness right at the heart of their communities by finding places willing to display a poster or small information cards: from supermarkets and hairdressers to libraries and the local GP surgeries. Why not also consider nominating the M.A. for supermarket token or plastic bag proceeds schemes? You can nominate in stores by speaking to the information desk staff – the request is always better received when it comes from a customer.

Workplace advocates

One of the ways you might like to help is by championing miscarriage support in the workplace. As a workplace advocate you could raise awareness of the M.A.’s workplace information hub and encourage your manager to look at implementing a specific miscarriage policy. You can read how Victoria encouraged best practice in her workplace, here. You also might like to organise a display in your workplace – we can help with posters and leaflets. If you have a company intranet, you could speak to the co-ordinator and ask them to add the M.A.’s details as a source of support.

Motivation squad

Help us cheer on our brilliant fundraisers by joining our motivation squad at mass participation events all across the UK. From the London Marathon and the Royal Parks, to kilt walks in Edinburgh and sea swims in Cornwall, help us be there to cheer people across the finish line.

Event volunteers

Help staff our stand at an exhibition or conference near you. Or why not stage your own display or event, perhaps for Baby Loss Awareness Week?

Find out more about all of these opportunities and get in touch by downloading our Awareness Volunteers guide here


Thank you for helping us raise awareness of pregnancy loss

Our special thanks to RAL Display for donating a roller banner which we use at a range of exhibition spaces.

Our thanks too to Display Wizard for donating a railing banner which we use at the London Marathon.