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Our information section helps you to make sense of what’s happening.

Frequently asked questions

Here you’ll find quick answers to our most commonly asked questions, with links to where you can find out more.

    Worried about pregnancy loss?

    If you’re concerned you may be showing signs of pregnancy loss then this section is here to help you.


    Miscarriage is the most common kind of pregnancy loss, affecting around one in four pregnancies. You’ll find lots of information about miscarriage in this section.

    Ectopic pregnancy

    Ectopic pregnancy can be a very distressing and frightening experience. You can find out more here.

    Molar pregnancy

    Molar pregnancy can be a very distressing experience. It’s also a type of pregnancy loss that most people have never heard of, so it can be difficult to get the information and support you need.

    Pregnancy loss within Black and Black mixed heritage communities

    Black women have a 43% increased risk of miscarriage compared to white women. We strongly support the urgent need to understand why this is the case and to close that gap. Here we provide information, personal experiences and support.

      Pregnancy loss within the LGBTQIA community

      Pregnancy loss is a really difficult experience to go through, even when you have avenues of support you can lean on. However, for a lot of LGBTQIA people affected by pregnancy loss, the specialist support available is scarce. It can seem like the process of pregnancy and pregnancy loss is still built around heterosexual experiences, […]

        For health professionals

        Most health professionals work hard to provide good and sensitive care – and many of them will have been through pregnancy loss themselves. We work to support them by providing learning resources and through consultancy.


        As well as the text on this website, we publish a range of leaflets about the facts and feelings of miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy and molar pregnancy. We also provide a link to a list of other useful publications and to other connected websites.

          Other resources

          A collection of other resources that we feel could be valuable in helping you to deal with your loss.

          Your stories

          In this section, we share personal stories, videos and poems by women and men who have been affected by pregnancy loss.

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